We are pleased that you are interested in our work at the Frederic von Anhalt Foundation.
In 1994 we accepted an invitation from the state government of Saxony-Anhalt. We will never forget the great welcome and the happy faces. Among other things, we visited a hospital and two homes for disabled people. Moved by the suffering, my wife looked at me and said: You have the name Anhalt, so you have to do something for those in need in the state of Anhalt! As a donor for social institutions for decades, I and my wife Zsa Zsa Gabor set up the Frederic von Anhalt Foundation in 1995 to help those in need in Saxony-Anhalt and children and young people around the world even more efficiently and in a more targeted manner to support.
We guarantee that the donations are 100% for the foundation's purpose
and thus go to those affected!
Thanks very much,
Your Frederic von Anhalt and your Zsa Zsa Gabor († 2016)
We have been for over 25 Years as a non-profit and charitable recognized foundation and support numerous projects in youth welfare and welfare to make a mark for the set social change.
Hilfe für Obdachlose Familien mit Kindern
Jedem Kind ein Bett!
Die Stadt Los Angeles zeichnen den Stifter Frederic von Anhalt regelmäßig für sein soziales Engagement aus.
Unser Ziel ist es:
Kein Kind soll leiden!
Es gibt viele Dinge, die einen glücklich machen, doch das Schönste ist ein Kinderlachen.